Tag: simple

Broccoli Orecchiette

Do you want to know how to make one of the cheapest and simplest tasty pasta dishes ever? Its also pretty low cal too depending on how much cheese you use! I saw this on another site that I follow called “Sip and Feast” there are some lovely recipes on there and not too difficult. …

Chicken with Tomatoes and Capers

I have to share this one for many reasons, firstly and most importantly, it is REALLY tasty. It is also very easy, cheap, low carb and low calorie. You could make this as a pasta dish if you wanted to bulk it up a bit or serve with some garlic bread but I was trying …

Baked Rice with confit Tomatoes and Garlic

Don’t be put off by the title this is a seriously easy and very cheap dish and I am going to use the basis of this to make many more lovely things! This is why I love getting new cook books as they teach me new ways of doing things and give me ideas. Even …