Tag: cake

Dark Chocolate and Cardamon Tart

I have recently bought a book about flavour – it’s like a bible for what goes together, and straight away I picked up on chocolate and cardamon as I really like the taste of cardamon in a dessert. I’d say this one is an aquired taste though so if you don’t like dark bitter choolate …

Giant Jaffa Cake!

  I had a chocolate orange cake on the blog and I have been thinking for a while if I could somehow make it like a big jaffa cake… I had an experiment this week and it works!! Think this is one of the trickiest inventions I have done especially as cake making can go …

Sticky Toffee Pudding.

Yes a real one.. not a sponge pudding that has been called a Sticky toffe pudding! That is a major gripe of mine in pubs/restaurants, maybe I should start asking what it is made with before I order as 8 times out of 10 when I order a sticky toffee pudding I just get a …